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Joomla Components

Anonymous User 8535 02-Mar-2012

Joomla Components is nothing more than an Extension (i.e. module, plugin etc) which having the ability to store significant quantities of data in the database.  

A component has many submenus which performed a particular functionality for Joomla website such as Banner Manager, Contact Manager, Message Manager, Newsfeed Manager, Redirect Manager, Search Manager and Web links. Let’s take a look on these components.

Banner Manager:

The Banner Manager is where you can edit existing banners and create new ones. You can also easily enable or disable banners from this screen. From this screen you can navigate to the banner categories manager, banner client’s manager and the banner tracks manager. You must add at least one banner client and banner category before you can add a banner.

Contact Manager:

The Contact Manager screen allows you to add contact information to your Joomla site. You can enter information such as name, address, phone and e-mail. You can also link contacts to registered users. Afterwards, you can use the Menu Manager to create front-end links to the contacts.

To create contacts in Joomla website, first of login in Joomla Administrator Panel and go to Components-> Contacts.

Joomla Components

To add new contact in joomla site, first of all you have to create category which distinguished contact person that who belongs to. 

Now click on the Components-> Contacts-> Categories.

Joomla Components

Click on button ‘New’ to add new category in contacts manager, fill all appropriate information in text fields and then click on ‘Save & Close’ button.

Joomla Components

Joomla Components

Now after successfully adding category into the Contact Category Manager, click on Contacts tab.

Joomla Components

Now, click on button ‘New’ and fill appropriate information in text fields.

Joomla Components

After reset all setting in this page, click on button ‘Save & Close’.

Joomla Components

Now your contact added successfully in Contact Manager List.

Messaging Manager:

The Private Messaging screen allows you to send messages to other Back-end Joomla users. You may read, write, send, and delete messages here. In addition, you may also manage message settings and grouping options too.

To send private message to other backend user, first of login in Joomla Administrator Panel and go to Components-> Messaging->New Private Message.

Joomla Components

Now fill all appropriate information in text fields and click on button ‘Send’.

Joomla Components

Joomla Components

Now the confirmation message will be displayed..

Joomla Components

To see the message, first of all you have to login in administrator panel with ‘Rajesh’ account.

Joomla Components

Now click on ‘Message’ link.

Joomla Components

Newsfeeds Manager:

News Feed Categories allow you to categorize different website feeds entering your site for better organization.

To add newsfeeds in joomla website, go to Components -> Newsfeeds -> Feeds

Joomla Components

Before proceeding to next step, firstly create the category for newsfeeds. Let’s take a look on it.

Select Categories tab and click on button ‘New’, fill appropriate information in text fields and then click on ‘Save & Close’ button.

Joomla Components

Joomla Components

Now go to Components ->Newsfeeds ->Feeds -> New

Joomla Components

Fill all appropriate information in text fields and click on button ‘Save & Close’.

Joomla Components

Joomla Components

Redirect Manager Links:

This component is primarily used for redirecting URLs for web pages that no longer exist on your website to web pages that are working. The URL you want to redirect from must not be a working one on your website which actually loads a web page. It can be the URL to a web page which you have disabled in the Joomla back-end administrator interface.

To add redirect manager in joomla website, first of all login in Joomla Administrator Panel and go to Components -> Redirect

Joomla Components

Now click on button ‘New’ and fill all information in text fields.

Joomla Components

Joomla Components

In the same manner you can update the expired link too.

Search Manager:

The Search Statistics screen allows you to see how many searches were done for each keyword combination and how many results were returned for each search.

To access the Search Manager, first of all login in Joomla Administrator Panel and go to Components -> Search.

Joomla Components

Web Links Manager:

The Web Links Manager allows you to add, edit and remove links to other web sites on your Joomla website, and organize them into categories. You can then display these links on your site, and optionally let visitors add new links.

To access the Web Links Manager, login in Joomla Administrator Panel and go to Components -> Web Links.

Joomla Components

I hope this article might be useful for you. Thanks for reading this article.

Updated 23-Jan-2020
I am a content writter !

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